NOTE: I personally do not support passwords for the following reason1. Pung a password on a meeng is like locking the door to the clubhouse, and a newcomercould have a link to the meeng, but not the password, and he could get frustrated and go backout and drink.2.Publishing the password on the AA website defeats the purpose of a password3.If Zoom sooner or later requires a password, ne we use it and publish the heck out it, but usingit as a security feature…no. Suggeson for the password: “AAMEETING”.Locking the meengLocking the meeng should be a last resort performed by the HOST. Not to say there are occasions forit, but I have hosted meengs where people as late as 30 minutes join, and maybe that is the earliestthey could get there. ½ hour meeng is beer than none, when drinking or not drinking becomes anissue.With all this said, the HOST of the zoom meeng needs to take responsibility for the ZOOM BOMBERS.It is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. ZOOM is not at fault here; any conferencing soware wouldhave these vulnerabilies. AA as a plaorm, does invite this kind of acvity, because we are open, andrightly so, must be.First o, if you are the HOST of the meeng, and you try to “run” the meeng at the same me, you willnot be able to eecvely monitor the meeng. It is best pracce to turn the running of the meengover to a 2
person, which will allow you to be a parcipant in the meeng, but also monitor themeeng at the same me. Having the distracon of running the meeng with all the responsibility ofthe host is not eecve at all.In the last week I have been using a feature of ZOOM called “The Waing Room”. This is a feature, thatwhen a person gets into the meeng, they are placed in the “Waing Room” unl they are allowed intothe meeng by the HOST. Realize the Waing Room is not the “ulmate” soluon to ZOOM BOMBERS.It is, however, a way of telling the HOST someone new is joining the meeng. Which allows you toinially monitor them when they come in. For example, I had one guy join the meeng, and he had aBAG over his head…ummm…if that is not a clue to kick the person out of the meeng, nothing will helpyou! Also, I had one guy who was darkened out in the camera view, I requested he show himself, andhe did not, so I ejected him also.Inially when I started the meengs, prior to the beginning of the meeng I found using the waingroom was silly. When people come into the meeng prior to the start of the meeng, you can monitor
them casually. It is when the meeng starts that the challenge begins. That is why starng the “waingroom” immediately aer the meeng starts is a beer opon.
Below are instrucons to enable the “Waing Room”.
1. Please note the “Security” icon on your ZOOM toolbar. If you are not the HOST, you will not seethis.2.Note the 3 features:a.Lock Meeng – this will prevent anyone new from joiningb.Enable Waing Room – Once enabled and checked new parcipants will be placed in thewaing room unl the host lets them inc.Share Screen – THIS OPTION SHOULD ALWAYS BE OFF. The only person who can sharetheir screen should be the HOST or the Co-Host.d.The STANDARD TEMPLATE USED by most hosts, that was setup for noon and 8:00pmmeengs automacally disables this. NEVER ENABLE THIS.
Example of Waing Room
1. Note above “Enable Waing Room” is checked
1. This is what the newly joined parcipant should see when the inially join1. In your parcipants list, aer the waing room has been enabled; you can do the following:a.Chat with themb.Admit themc.Remove them2. Once you admit them pay aenon to them and tell them to enable their camera right away orspeak their intenons.3.Obviously if the name seems suspicious, remove them
1. In the Parcipants list (SOMETHING THE HOST SHOULD HAVE OPEN AT ALL TIMES), click on the“…” ellipsis next the parcipants name and note the 2 menu opons “Remove” and “Report”.a.Remove – will immediately kick out the unwanted person, and they will not be able torejoin the current meeng. They are gone.b.Report – Prior to Removing the parcipant, click on Report, and the user will bereported to ZOOM.